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File Viewer More Options
Distribute a File open in Viewer
Edit File Attributes on a File open in Viewer
Edit File open in Viewer using Microsoft Office for the Web
Associate a File open in Viewer and Create a Form
Upload a New Revision on a File open in Viewer
Start a Workflow on a File open in Viewer
Print a File open in Viewer
Save a File open in Viewer as a PDF
View Attachments & Associations on a File open in Viewer
Associate Attachments & Associations of a File open in Viewer and Create a Form
Navigate to Dashboard from File Viewer
View Details of a File open in Viewer
View Audit History of a File open in Viewer
Navigate to the Folder containing File open in Viewer
Start / Stop Watching a File open in Viewer
Compare a File open in Viewer with its revision
View Workflow Instances on a File open in Viewer