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Navigate to Workflow Instances

Learn how to navigate to see a list of workflow instances that are in progress and accessible to you.

Updated over a week ago


To view workflow instances on a project selected in your project filter, navigate to the 'Workflows' tab. By default, you are taken to the first left-hand menu option called 'Workflow Instances'. This is where you can view and manage ongoing workflow instances accessible to you.

To filter the list of ongoing workflow instances based on a certain project (in case multiple projects are selected in the project filter), select that particular project from the left side. Accordingly, the workflow instances from the selected project would appear on the right side as a list.

Details include:

  • name of the workflow (linked to the progress of workflow instance)

  • current workflow status

  • name of the person who started it (user profile details available on click)

  • workflow object name (linked to the relevant object i.e. file, form or custom object)

  • type (whether file, form or custom object)

  • workflow start date & end date as applicable (time available upon mouseover on the date values)

  • duration of workflow

To understand how to view workflow instances on a file open in the viewer, click here.

To view workflow instances on a file from the files listing area, go to the 'Workflow Status' column and click on the workflow status corresponding to the desired file. In case you don't see this column in the files listing, add the same i.e. 'Workflow Status' field from the available fields using the option for customizing columns.

To understand how to view workflow instances on a form open in the viewer, click here.

To view workflow instances on a form from the forms listing area, go to the 'Workflow Status' column and click on the workflow status corresponding to the desired file. In case you don't see this column in the forms listing, add the same i.e. 'Workflow Status' field from the available fields using the option for customizing columns.

To understand how to view workflow instances on a model issue open in the model viewer, click here.

To understand how to check progress on a workflow instance, click here.

To understand how to manage a workflow instance in progress, click here.

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