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Create a Form

This article helps you understand how to create a form using 'Create Form' button in 'Project Forms' tab.

Updated over a week ago

Users on Asite with required form permissions can create new forms using the 'Create Form' button by selecting the project, the form group and the form type under which the new form will belong.

Below are the steps to create a new form using the 'Create Form' button:

1. Select the project in which a new form is to be created.

2. Expand the form group and click on the form type ('Request For Information' as shown in the below example). It will show a list of existing forms under the selected form type on the right side.

3. Click the '+ Create Form' option at the top right side.

4. A 'Create Form' window will appear. Enter required form details as needed.

5. Additional options as mentioned below will appear while creating a form based on the relevant form settings configuration.

  • Import - To import form data from an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Location - To select a site location on the form being created.

  • Distribute - To distribute the form being created.

  • Attachment - To attach external files on the form being created.

  • More Options:

A separate 'Respond by' field will appear for selecting a calendar date at the bottom side of the 'Create Form' interface, in case the relevant form setting 'Overall Form Status' is set to 'Yes' and the form design doesn't have 'Close Due Date' set to some default value.

Check the box for 'Display Form Print View After Saving' to check the form print view if required.

6. Click 'Send' to complete creating the new form, else click 'Cancel'. If using the 'Cancel' button, a prompt message will appear to ensure that you get a chance to decide what to do with the unsaved form data if any.

  • Click 'Save Draft' if you only want to save your form content as a draft for the time being instead of sending it right away.

Once sent, the newly created form will be available as a separate record in the forms listing.

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