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Asite + Bluebeam Integration

This article helps you understand how you can utilize the collaborative realtime document markup capabilities of Bluebeam Studio with Asite.

Updated over 3 months ago

The Asite + Bluebeam Integration provides the ability to combine the collaborative real-time document mark-up capabilities of Bluebeam Studio with Asite Common Data Environment (CDE).

Asite introduces integration with the industry leading mark-up technology, Bluebeam Revu, which includes extracting all Bluebeam annotations into the Submittals or any forms in Asite. This integration includes the ability to create Bluebeam Studio Sessions automatically and seamlessly export PDFs when PDFs are associated to an form. It also includes the ability to seamlessly attach returned annotations via our powerful Visual Workflow engine in Asite.

What is Bluebeam?

Bluebeam Revu is an application that enables PDF creation, editing mark-up and collaboration technology.

Bluebeam Studio is a collaboration service enabling multiple people to collaborate on design and mark-up sessions using Bluebeam Revu.


Bluebeam Revu and Bluebeam Studio Prime subscription

Active Bluebeam login credentials (i.e. a valid username and password)

Active Asite 'Key Enterprise' Subscription

Asite project folders containing relevant associated files must have 'Enable Public Links' on

Configuration in Asite for authorization of Bluebeam user account

How does it work?

  • Login to Asite:

  • Navigate to the Admin tab >> Select Integrations function >> Select Bluebeam Integration and complete the Bluebeam Integration setup to activate the integration (Option to manage integrations is available only if you have required system level privileges).
    Asite Bluebeam Client ID is 6961123b-1e99-4797-9ec9-38360772e7a6

  • Pre-requisite: Configure the Visual Workflow tasks and apply it to an form type, say Submittals.

  • Navigate to the 'Project Forms' tab >> Project name >> Submittals form type. Click on the + icon to create a new Submittal form.

  • Associate Files (PDFs) from Project folders, fill in the package information, select recipients.

  • When a new Submittals form is created and files (PDFs) associated from project folders in the CDE, the Asite Visual Workflow tool automatically creates a new session in Bluebeam Studio for all users who are in the distribution list of the Submittals form in Asite.

  • Login to Bluebeam Revu tool.

  • Switch to Studio Session and view the file.

  • Bluebeam users can then mark-up the PDFs in a collaborative environment.

  • From the Asite Submittals form instance, click on Respond option, input information and click Save button.

  • Finalize the Submittals in Asite to pull all the marked-up PDFs back to the Submittals form as an attachment to the Submittals review process.

Configuration Requirements

A. Steps involved for Asite users to enable their Bluebeam Studio integration:

B. Steps involved for users to push Asite forms associated files to Bluebeam Studio and pull the reviewed files from Bluebeam Studio back to Asite:

A. Below are the steps involved for users to integrate their Asite account with Bluebeam:

1. Enable Asite App integration from Bluebeam Studio Prime portal

Below are the steps to enable integration from Bluebeam Studio Prime portal:

[1a] Log into the Bluebeam Studio Prime portal from your browser using below URL:

[1b] Click 'Integrations' in the upper right corner.

[1c] Click the 'Add New' button.

[1d] Enter your Integration ID i.e. 6961123b-1e99-4797-9ec9-38360772e7a6 in the appropriate field and click 'Lookup'.

[1e] Verify that the correct Integration is displaying and click 'Save' to complete enabling the integration.

[1f] Once the integration is enabled, user will have to authenticate and grant the access to Bluebeam Studio data - the first time they log into the Bluebeam Studio Prime portal:

[1g] In the 'Grant Access to your Studio Data' page, click 'Allow'.

2. Asite Admin: Configure Bluebeam integration in Asite

Users having required system level privileges and 'Key Enterprise' subscription can setup and manage Bluebeam integration in Asite. Below are the steps for setting up Bluebeam integration in Asite:

[2a] Navigate to 'Admin' tab and click on 'Integrations'.

[2b] From the top right, select your relevant data center region for creating integration.

[2c] Now click on 'Create Integration' to continue.

[2d] In the 'Integration' dropdown, select 'Bluebeam' for Bluebeam integration.

[2e] Key in the initial characters to find and select the name of user from a matching list of contacts populating automatically.

[2f] After selecting the name of user, enter the client id as 6961123b-1e99-4797-9ec9-38360772e7a6.

[2g] Click on 'Save' button. A new browser tab will open wherein user can login to their Bluebeam account using their Bluebeam login credentials.

[2h] In the 'Grant Access to your Studio Data' page, click 'Allow'.

[2i] A message will appear confirming that authentication has completed successfully.

[2j] Close the existing browser tab and go back to the original tab containing Asite integrations listing.

[2k] Refresh the page once. The integrations listing will then show the updated 'Auth Status' as 'Approved' for the selected user.

If the authentication process was not completed successfully due to some reason, the 'Auth Status' will appear as 'Pending Approval' (instead of 'Approved'). In such scenarios, user can click on edit icon, edit required details then click 'Save' to apply the changes and try the same process again.

3. This completes the integration of your Asite account with Bluebeam Studio.

B. Below are the steps involved for users to push Asite forms associated files to Bluebeam Studio and pull the reviewed files from Bluebeam Studio back to Asite:

1. Configure system tasks to push and pull files through Bluebeam Studio.

[1a] Create an form system task for executing groovy script in the relevant project for the required form type. This groovy script is meant to push associated files to Bluebeam Studio. Here, use the groovy script for pushing associated files to Bluebeam Studio.

[1b] Now create another form system task for executing groovy script for same form type and in the same project. This groovy script is meant to pull reviewed files from Bluebeam Studio. Here, use the groovy script to pull associated files from Bluebeam Studio.

2. Create workflow triggers to use the configured system tasks

[2a] Once the system tasks are configured, create a workflow trigger on form for same form type and in the same project. This workflow trigger is meant to be configured in a way that the first system task for pushing associated files information to Bluebeam Studio can be triggered upon 'Create App' / 'Change Status' event in 'Post' task mode.

[2b] Next, create another workflow trigger on form for same form type and in the same project. This workflow trigger is meant to be configured in a way that the second system task for pulling reviewed files information from Bluebeam Studio can be triggered upon 'Create Response' / 'Change Status' event in 'Post' task mode.

3. Create a form by associating files

Considering the workflow is configured to trigger on 'Create App' event, user can now create an form by associating files and distribute it to other team members. Below are the relevant help links for reference:

Click here to understand how to create an form.

Click here to understand how to associate files while creating an form.

Click here to understand how to distribute the form while creating it.

4. Workflow creates a session in Bluebeam Studio with all the associated files for review

As soon as the form is created by associating files, Asite Workflow will be creating a new Studio Session in Bluebeam Studio with all the associated files for review. Distributed users on the form will be added to this Studio Session depending on whether they have active Bluebeam Prime membership or not.

Related information exchange between Asite Workflow and Bluebeam Studio will be captured under the 'History' section of relevant file.

5. Annotate the associated files in Bluebeam Studio

All the associated files will now be available for the reviewers when they log into Bluebeam Studio under the newly created Studio Session and they can apply annotation on files as required.

6. Update the form in Asite by creating an form response / change status option

Now, user can go back to Asite and create an form response / change the form status. Below are the relevant help links for reference:

Click here to understand how to respond to an form.

Click here to understand how to change form status.

7. Workflow pulls the annotations on reviewed files from Bluebeam Studio as an attachment

The applied annotations using Bluebeam Studio will be pulled by Asite Workflow and they will be visible while viewing the form response as a response attachment.

Related information exchange between Asite Workflow and Bluebeam Studio will be captured under the 'History' section of relevant form.

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