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Contract Data and Report
Updated over a month ago

This is a type of form meant to be raised by users in 'Project Manager' role for entering contract details and setting it up. Setting up the contract is very much important, because it sets up information for the forms that are then created against the contract.

Click on a relevant link below to continue:

Create New '01 Contract Data and Report'

It can be created by users in Project Manager role by going to 'Project Forms' or 'Contracts' area as applicable.

Expand the 'A. Contract Information' group and select '01 Contract Data & Report' type.

Click on '+ Create Form' to create a new '01 Contract Data & Report'.

Import Details for '01 Contract Data and Report'

Download Import Sheet

Click on 'Download Import Sheet' link to download the import sheet in MS Excel (.xls) format.

You can use this sheet to enter form details and then import it by clicking on the 'Import From Excel' icon available at top right of the form.

To understand how to enter the details in the import sheet, refer to the related information under Contract Manager Help as mentioned below:

The first sheet 'Single Value' refers to fields covered under '01 Contract Data and Report'.

The second sheet 'Imported_Activity_Code' refers to fields covered under 'Price Breakdown Structure'.

The third sheet 'IMP_Key_Milestone' refers to fields covered under 'Key Contract Dates'.

The fourth sheet 'IMP_Historic_CE_data' refers to fields covered under 'Historical CE Information'.

The fifth sheet 'Historic_Risk_Data' refers to fields covered under 'Historic Risk Information'.

The sixth sheet 'Indexation' refers to fields covered under 'Indexation Information'.

Enter Details for '01 Contract Data and Report'

This is where you enter basic details of the contract. The '01 Contract Data and Report' form is divided into three main sections available as a left hand menu while creating a form / editing a draft form - Contract Details (See C1 - C22 below), History Risk Information (See C23 below) and Historic CE Information (See C24 below).

Below is a description of the available fields in this form:

C1. Contract No.

Enter a number you can use to identify this particular contract. This is mandatory to fill.

C2. Description

Enter a description for this contract. This is mandatory to fill.

C3. Contract Type

Select any one of the applicable contract types - NEC4 ECC Option A / NEC4 ECC Option B / NEC4 ECC Option C / NEC4 ECC Option E.

C4. Asite document manager used by the project

Switch the button on if Asite document manager used by the project, else keep it off.

C5. Date Contract Signed

Select a date from the calendar when this contract was signed. This is mandatory to select.

C6. Description of Scopes

Enter a description of the scopes of work in this contract. This is mandatory to fill.

C7. Budget Value

Enter a budget value for this contract. Please note here that contract price and budget value may be different. Budget is something a client or project manager would have given. Contract price is the price agreed between contractor and client. This is mandatory to fill.

C8. Start Date

Select a start date for this contract.

C9. Contractor

Select a contractor from the dropdown list. This is mandatory to select.

C10. Currency

Select a currency from the dropdown list as applicable in your country. Use the search option to search for required currency based on your country if needed. This is mandatory to select.

C11. Contractor Logo

Enter an image URL for contract logo. This is mandatory to fill. You can always upload the required logo on to your project and share its public link over here. This will make the concerned contractor logo image available in related forms.

C12. Client Logo

Enter an image URL for client logo. This is mandatory to fill. You can always upload the required logo on to your project and share its public link over here. This will make the concerned client logo image available in related forms.

C13. Price Breakdown Structure (Configure Costs as required)

C14. Key Contract Dates (Configure Key Contract Dates as required)

C15. Indexation Information

C16. Calculation of Estimated Final Cost

C17. PM Comments

(PM may include comments concerning any aspect of the project including the progress of the scopes and the agreement of the Final Account - This is visible to the Client and the Contractor)

This is where PM can enter their comments for the contract.

C18. Management Team

C19. Compensation Event Clauses (Configure Clauses as required)

C20 Response Periods (Configure Periods as required)

By default, certain values are already provided as response time based on the mentioned date criteria; however they can be edited or removed if required.

C21 Assessments

C21.1 Actual Completion Date

Select actual completion date of assessment for the contract from the calendar. Please note this field is not useful as of now, as we have another form 17 Completion Certificate pulling the required information in relation to this.

C21.2 Assessment Date - Select assessment date defined for the contract from the calendar. This field is mandatory to fill.

C21.3 Assessment Interval - Select assessment interval for the contract from the available dropdown options.

C22 Communication Types

Based on the mentioned communication type description on the left side, turn the switch button on or off as required for contractor communication acceptance. This is used in the communication forms like 13 Contractors Communication, 14 PMs Communication or 15 Supervisor's Communication.

C22.1 Add New Communication Types - To add new communication types, you need to click on 'Add New Communication Types' option available at bottom left of this form section. It will add a new row to add a new communication type along-with the option to turn the switch button on or off as required for contractor communication acceptance.

C23 Historic Risk Information - Click here to understand how to enter historic risk information.

C24 Historic CE Information - Click here to understand how to enter historic CE information.

Submit Details for '01 Contract Data and Report' / Save Details as Draft

Once you have entered the required details, click 'Send' button to save / submit the details.

In case you plan to edit and submit later, use the 'Save Draft' button to save the details as a draft. In such a scenario, you have an option to get the draft message reviewed by some other user by assigning them 'Review Draft' task.

Click 'Cancel' if you want to entirely cancel the form under creation. Clicking on 'Cancel' will prompt the user to confirm once again as any unsaved data in the form under creation will be lost forever once it is cancelled.

Edit Draft of '01 Contract Data and Report'

Click here for detailed help on how to edit an existing form draft.

View Existing '01 Contract Data and Report'

To open an existing '01 Contract Data & Report' form for viewing, click on the form title from relevant listing area. The form will open in view mode as shown below.

Click here for detailed help on Form Viewer Standard Options.

Click here for detailed help on how to edit the ORI (originally created) message if applicable.

The information available while viewing the 01 Contract Data & Report will depend upon who is accessing it i.e. more information would be available for users in Project Manager role when compared with information available for users in Contractor role (as their role on project is limited when compared with a project manager) and so on.

This form is divided into 6 different sections. Click on the form section from the left side to view the details:

F1 Contract Summary

Contract Summary has basic contract information like contract number (linked to related compensation event log) and its description, name contractor and type of contract. It also gives high level information about financial summary and programme summary.

Financial summary shows the approved budget, contract price, cost for any compensation events implemented, any price adjustments for inflation, any unagreed quotation costs, any PM's adjustment costs, any early warnings costs, any anticipated compensation event costs, revised totals and other relevant information as applicable to the contract.

Programme summary shows the start date of contract, original completion date, total additions (implemented days), revised completion date of contract, any unagreed quotation changes in no. of days, any PM's adjustments in no. of days and other relevant information as applicable to the contract.

F2 Price Breakdown

It enables you to track the costs from start to end for each activity in the contract. It shows the section code, CBS code and its description.

For each CBS code, it shows the original price, implemented compensation events (prices), revised price, unagreed quotations, PM estimated price change, PM adjustment to projected price, early warnings, projected price, price for work done to date, delay damages, anticipated compensation events, estimated price. This is shown in separate columns as a table.

At the end of each section, it shows the section total value (if applicable) and accordingly a contract total at the end of each column.

F3 Sectional Completion / Key Dates

It enables you to check the contract completion / section completion / key dates as defined in the contract. It shows the date type, date ref and its description.

For each key date, it shows the original completion date, implemented (in days), revised completion date, unagreed quotation changes (in days), PM anticipated additions (in days), PM adjustment to projected programme change (Comp. Date - Days), EWR Changes (in days), projected completion date, anticipated delays, estimated completion date, actual completion date, planned completion date, variance, KPI payments, delay damages. This is shown in separate columns as a table.

At the end of each column, it shows the total value (if applicable).

F4 Early Warning Register

It lists all the early warning details as applicable to the contract based on how you apply search filter options available at the top. You also have an option to download the Early Warning Register as an MS Excel file by clicking on the link at top right.

For each early warning, it shows the notification date, user ref, description, consequences, related contract section, probability, current status, actions recorded at risk reduction meeting if any, notes from the risk reduction meeting if any, if the corresponding early warning results in increased price and days, projected price change, projected programme change (in days), subsequent tracker incident. This is shown in separate columns as a table.

At the end of each column, it shows the total value (if applicable).

In case the early warning was converted into a contract, it will show a INC id (stands for Incidents Assessment Form id) link as applicable opposite the early warning record. Click on the link to view details for the related Incidents Assessments Form as needed.

F5 Compensation Event Log

It lists all the compensation event details as applicable to the contract based on how you apply search filter options available at the top. You also have an option to download the Compensation Event Log as an MS Excel file by clicking on the link at top right.

For each compensation event, it shows the related incident id, subject line of compensation event and its current status, related early warning number, notification number, notification date, PMs NCE reply due date, PMs NCE reply date, agreed as CE or not, quotation or PMA number, quotation or PMA due on date, quotation or PMA submitted on date, PMs quotation reply due date, PMs quotation reply date, Unagreed quotation (prices), unagreed quotation (Comp. Date - Days), implemented price changes, implemented programme changes (in days).

At the end of each column, it shows the total value (if applicable).

F6 Contract Information

It includes basic information regarding the contract, compensation event clauses, response periods and communication types.

Basic contract information includes contract number, description, date contract signed, description of scopes, contractor organisation, contract type, DocuSign integration required or not, project managers defined if any, supervisors defined if any, client team - others defined if any, contractors defined if any, contractor team - others defined if any, draft only users defined if any.

Compensation event clauses will list out all the the compensation event clause ids application to the contract with a description for each of them.

Response periods will list out all response periods defined on the selected contract including date criteria, and response time in days.

Communication types will list out all communication types defined on the selected contract and whether it is for acceptance only or not (applicable to contractor communication only).

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