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Upload New Files via aSync
Upload New Files via aSync

This article helps you understand how to upload new files via aSync application.

Updated over a week ago

How to enable uploading new Files via aSync?

You can upload new files on Asite via aSync app in a project folder only if that particular project folder is enabled for synchronization in your aSync app. Click here for detailed help on how to enable synchronization on a project folder in your aSync app.

The folders enabled for synchronizing will appear separately in your local device storage at below path in the same structure as in your Asite project:

'C' drive / Users / <user_name> / aSync / <project_name>

Who can publish new Files to Asite Cloud via aSync?

Anyone having 'Publish' or above permission on the Asite project folder selected for upload. Click here for detailed help on how to check folder permissions on Asite. If you don't have required folder permissions, contact your project administrator on Asite.

How to publish new files automatically to Asite Cloud via aSync?

To publish new files via aSync, you need to go to aSync project folder path in your local device storage and place a copy of the new file that you need to publish in related project folder.

If your aSync preference is set to 'Automatic Sync records' and the selected project folder is enabled for simple upload, any new files identified in the related local folder will be synchronized automatically to Asite Cloud. This means that you can then start accessing those files directly on Asite Cloud. Please note that any files automatically synchronized by aSync won't appear under 'Recent Uploads' tab in aSync window.

If the file has to be uploaded with attribute details, click here for detailed help.

Alternately, if you plan to use file templates for creating a new file via aSync, click here for detailed help.

How to upload new files manually to Asite Cloud via aSync?

To upload new files via aSync, you need to go to the aSync project folder path in your local device storage and place a copy of the new file that you need to upload in related project folder.

Once the required files is/are available in your local aSync project folder, it will be tracked by aSync as and when you are logged in and your aSync window will update accordingly.

If your aSync preference is set to 'Automatic Sync records' and the selected project folder is not enabled for simple upload, you can still upload the files manually by entering attributes. In such a scenario, an 'Open' button will appear at top right of your aSync window.

Click on 'Open' button to fill attribute details for new file identified in local aSync project folder.

At the top, you can find the details of the new file identified for upload, like file name and folder path where it will be uploaded along-with name of project.

Capture file details i.e. Doc Ref, Rev, Doc Title, Purpose of Issue, Status, Mark File as Private, Rev Notes, Upload Secondary File as well as enter additional details if applicable.

Doc Ref

Stands for document reference. Enter a document reference which should be unique in selected folder. Each file record is identified and tracked using its Doc Ref value. Also, the Doc Ref is matched when a file revision is being uploaded (See how to upload a revision of an existing file) Click on 'Select existing Doc Ref' icon to select from existing document references if required.
Note: 'Doc Ref' field will appear disabled if an attribute set is applied on the concerned folder and if it is configured as a compound attribute, or if you are uploading a revision of an existing file.


Stands for revision number. User uploading the file revision can enter an alpha-numeric revision number to identify the file revision they uploaded.

Doc Title

Stands for document title. Enter a specific title for the document you are uploading. Else click on clone icon at the column header to copy the doc ref as doc title.

Purpose of Issue

Indicates the purpose for which selected file is selected to upload. Project administrators can configure the values for 'Purpose of Issue' field. See how to manage purpose of issues.


Indicates the status of selected file. Project administrators can configure the values for 'Status' field. See how to manage file statuses.

'Publish as Private' checkbox

Select the 'Publish As Private' check box to mark file as private. A private file can only be accessed by:
(a) file publisher and
(b) folder administrator and
(c) users to whom file was distributed and
(d) users to whom file visibility was specifically assigned

Rev Notes

Stands for revision notes. User uploading the file revision can enter notes specifically related to the file revision they are uploading.

Secondary File

Upload a secondary file or an attachment for the selected file.
Depending on the configurable attributes defined by your project administrator for selected folder, you may need to fill in further details while uploading files. To learn more, see how to manage configurable attributes.

If there are more than one file identified for upload, you will get option to bulk apply values by clicking on 'Bulk Apply' icon available at top right of the window.

  • To remove values for all records for selected fields, keep the value blank on header, and then click on bulk apply icon for specific field.

  • To replace value on all records, first remove the values, then enter required value on header, and then click on bulk apply icon for specific field.

  • To replace values for selected files, first remove the values from required files manually, and then enter required value and then click on bulk apply icon for specific field.

  • To apply changes on all the fields at once, enter values on each field header, and then click on 'Apply to All' option available on extreme left of bulk apply header.

Once done, click on 'Upload' button to continue. Else, click 'Cancel' to go tack to the main aSync window.

In case any of the files are not uploaded due to connection issues, such file records will appear in the 'Error' section in aSync window. You can try uploading those files again as per your convenience when the required connection is available again. You will always be notified by aSync whether you are online or if you are not connected.

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