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Open a Form in Form Viewer

This article helps you understand how to open an existing project form in Asite Form Viewer.

Updated over 2 months ago

All the forms accessible to you on Asite can be viewed using the Asite's form viewer.


Permission as mentioned below on the required form type, on the project in which a form is to be viewed:

  • To view private forms, 'View All Private Forms - Own Org' or 'View All Private Forms - All Orgs' permission (as applicable) must be assigned to your role.

  • To view draft forms, 'View All Draft Forms - Own Org' or 'View All Draft Forms - All Orgs' permission (as applicable) must be assigned to your role.

Below are the steps to open a form in the viewer:

1. In the 'Project Forms' area, navigate to the project from which you need to view the form. Next, select the form group and form type of the form to be viewed.

3. On the right side, a list of existing forms under the selected form type, if any, will appear.

4. To view a form, click on a 'form ID' or a 'form title' from the list. The selected form will open for viewing in a new browser tab. By default, the latest form message will appear while viewing.

Click on a relevant topic below (based on the corresponding section number displayed above) to understand how to use each of the available options within the form viewer:

  1. Form ID & Form Title - To view the ID and title of the form open in the viewer i.e. the form instance number.

  2. Form Status - To view and change the existing status of the form open in the viewer.

  3. Direct Link - To copy the direct link to the form open in the viewer.

  4. Attachments & Associations - To view all the attachments & associations of the form open in the viewer.

  5. Start Meeting - Start a meeting using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet.

  6. (?) Help - To see all available help content related to viewing forms.

  7. Originator - To view the originator's name on the form open in the viewer, including their organization name and profile picture if available.

  8. To - To view the details of users to whom the form opened in the viewer was distributed.

  9. Distribution Date & Time - View the date and time when the form opened in the viewer was distributed.

  10. Form Content - To view the message content of the form open in the viewer.

  11. Edit ORI / Reply - To edit the original form message, or reply to the existing form message as applicable, based on form settings.

  12. Reply All - To reply to all recipients on the existing form message, based on form settings.

  13. Distribute - To distribute the form, based on form settings.

  14. Edit & Forward - To edit and forward the form message, based on form settings.

  15. More Options - To access more options specific to the selected form. It can include different options as mentioned below:

    1. References

      1. Attachments - To view all the attachments & associations of the form open in the viewer.

      2. History - To view the audit history of the selected form.

      3. Workflow - To view workflow instances on the selected form.

      4. Form Information - To view form attribute details, publish details with a direct link to the form.

    2. Export

      1. Current Message to PDF - To convert only the current form message open in the form viewer to PDF format. Click here to understand the different checkbox options while exporting the current message to PDF.

      2. All Messages to PDF - To convert all threads of the selected form open in form viewer to PDF format. Click here to understand the different checkbox options while exporting all messages to PDF.

      3. Printable Version - To get the print view of the form and a count of attachments and associations. You can click here for detailed help.

      4. Print Form Details - Print the print view of the form without the count of attachments and associations. You can click here for detailed help.

Check: FAQs

Next Article: Distribute a Form

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