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Asite 17.2
Updated over a week ago

We are pleased to announce the release of Adoddle 17.2. This document provides highlights of the new features.

For more detail please contact us. Thanks!

The Asite Product Team

1 Adoddle Web Application

Adoddle provides a unique and comprehensive set of capabilities in a single, unified environment in order to manage your Drawings, Project Schedules, BIM Models, Reports and Apps and share information across teams spread over different geographies.

Adoddle allows teams access and re-use data throughout the lifecycle of an asset. Its powerful and easy to use interface allows you to track and capture data throughout the stages of Feasibility, Detailed Design, Construction Design, Construction and Facilities Management.

1.1 Dashboard

Support for German language: Adoddle 17 platform has been extended to support our German speaking users. The list of languages supported now includes English UK, English US, English Canada, French, Russian, Spanish, English Australia, Chinese and German languages. Click here for detailed help.

Adoddle Editions: Adoddle platform introduces its editions namely Adoddle Corporate and Adoddle FM. Users can switch editions to prioritize the sequence of Tabs and access enhanced functions available within the Editions.

Due Today: Adoddle users now have easy access to all out actions due for the day by clicking a new option in the left hand bar.

AppLibrary User Interface of AppLibrary has been improvised detailing additional information for ease of use.

Support for multiple languages in the Portal functions of Login emails, Password Reset emails and Terms of Use page content.

Support for right click functions in the federated search result records.

1.2 Projects

Extended Project Information availability: The Projects thumbnail view mouse-hover is extended to include additional information like Number of files published, Last published date, Workspace Administrator names, and Project End date.

Simplified Project creation: A simplified User Interface for setting up a new project is now available. Click here for detailed help.

Summary Notifications: The actions links in the Summary notifications to take users to the Adoddle view based on their individual default login preferences.

Branding Email Notifications: The summary and Instant email notification content is branded in line with the Adoddle color scheme.

Support paging in Projects list: Project Administrators now have option to extend the records per page from 10 to 25 and 50.

1.3 Administration

Manage User Roles: Project Administrators can now manage their project roles from the Projects tab in Adoddle version. Administrators can create new roles; assign Users / Organisations / User groups to roles within the Project.

Manage Form Statuses: Project Administrators can now manage their Form Statuses including creating / editing and assigning Users / Organisations / User groups.

Deactivate / Reactivate files : Project Administrators can now deactivate or reactivate a file including revisions (similar to the function available in Adoddle Classic). Click here for detailed help.

Deactivate folder : Project Administrators can now deactivate a folder via the Edit folder option in Adoddle version. Click here for detailed help.

1.4 Files

Markup Stamp support for 2D files:

Stamp is a single or group of markup entities, defined by an author as a "stamp". The stamp can contain any of the available markup entities, including dynamic text (similar to banner strings) that updates when a user adds the stamp to a markup layer open for edit.

Users can now add their designated markup stamps on files within the Online Viewer.

Access to stamps is restricted to their own Organizations.

Click here for detailed help.

2D file viewing defaults all mark-ups: All mark-ups are now displayed as default when a file is viewed. Users can then switch to view individual mark-ups one at a time.

Move Files functionality is now supported in Adoddle version: Project Administrators / Publishers now have the ability to move files from one folder location to another folder location within the same project. Click here for detailed help.

Filters and Customize columns to include Custom Attributes: The filters and the Customize columns functions are now extended to include the custom attributes set at the project folders.

Batch Action – For Information: Users can now complete their incomplete For Information actions on single / multiple selected files in a single click. Click here for detailed help.

Fill down file attributes: Adoddle users can now fill down / bulk apply file attributes during publish and edit attributes functions Click here for detailed help.

File Attributes and Actions: Users can view the file attributes as well as their actions while viewing the file online. Actions can now be completed while viewing the file information.

Hyperlink to view Revision History: The ‘Ver’ field is extended to include a hyperlink that launches the Revision History page along-with the file view.

Publisher Organization field is now available in the Customize columns list to configure to files listing

Create Private Discussion: Administrators can control users who can create Private comments. A new project level privilege ‘Can create private comments’ has been introduced.

Create No Comment: Adoddle users are now able to create No Comment if they do not want to comment on files. Click here for detailed help.

Edit File Attributes: Users can now edit and update the file attributes on individual or multiple selected files. A new right-click option is available in addition to option in the ‘More options' list. Click here for detailed help.

Color coding for Actions: Users can now view their actions with the RED, AMBER, GREEN color shading while hovering over the Action column in the listing area. RED reflecting incomplete and overdue, AMBER reflecting due within a week and GREEN reflecting actions due after a week. Green Ticks for actions completed and RED cross for actions cleared. The actions are hyperlinked to complete them.

Share Link Email to be issued from the sender user email ID

Share Link Email content has been improvised to include more content in the email body

Share Link Audit history now captures additional information of the user who downloaded the shared file.

Extended list of right-click options at Project level:

List includes:

New Folder: Launch the Add folder view to create a parent level folder.

New Model: Launch the Add Model view to create a new Project Model.

Edit Project: Launch the Edit Project view to edit project information

Favorites: Mark the selected project as favorites or remove from favorites

Administration: Launch the Administration menu to choose from available administration functions.

Copy Name: Copy the project name

Extended list of right-click options at folder level:

List includes:

New sub-folder: Launch the Add folder view to create a sub-folder.

Add files: Launch the Add files window to drag and drop or browse and select files to publish to the folder

New Placeholder: Launch the placeholder page

Edit folder: Edit the folder information

View Folder Permission: View the folder permission history information

Favorites: Mark the selected folder as favorite or remove from favorites

Copy Name: Copy the folder name

Copy Location: Copy the folder location with project name

History: View all the audit history information of the selected file

Copy Name: Copy the filename with extension

Copy Location: Copy the Project, folder name and file name with extension

Link files: Launch the function to link files to new folder location

Move files: Launch the function to move files to new folder location within the selected project.

Actions: List actions that can be completed for single / multiple files. A sub-menu for action names will appear e.g. For Information

Extended list of right-click options in the List and Thumbnail view of files:

List includes:

Start a Discussion: Launch the create discussion page to create a new thread

No Comment: Launch the create discussion page with No comment information pre-populated.

Start a Workflow: Launch a new form with the selected filess automatically associated

Edit Attributes: Edit the attributes of the selected files

Edit Status: Edit the status of the selected file

View: Launch the view of the file in the online viewer

Download files: Download files locally

Compare files: Launch the File compare view in the online viewer

Distribute: Distribute the individual file revisions to recipients

Share Link: Share the file to external users

Copy Direct Link: Copy the direct link of the file for circulation

Email Direct Link: Launch the mail client with the file link populated. Suitable for external circulation of link for download.

Related forms: Launch the list of forms associated to the file.

Deactivate files: Launch the function to deactivate selected files.

Reactivate files: Launch the function to reactivate selected deactivated files

1.5 Project Forms

Support for InfoPath 2013: The platform has been extended to support InfoPath 2013 forms now

Cross project association support: Users can now associate forms of multiple projects while creating a new form message.

Start a Workflow from an existing form: Users can now start a new workflow by automatically associating a single or multiple selected forms

Batch Action – For Information: Users can now complete their incomplete For Information actions on single / multiple selected files in a single click.

Extended list of right-click options:

List includes:

New Reply: Launch the response view of the form message with the originator populated in the distribution list

Reply All: Launch the response view of the form message with all recipients populated in the distribution list

New Form: Launch a new form page from the selected project list

Start a Workflow: Launch a new form with the selected forms automatically associated

Edit Message: Launch the Edit view of the selected form

Edit Status: Edit the status of the selected form

View Form: Launch the View mode of the selected form

Distribute: Distribute the individual form to new recipients

Copy Direct Link: Copy the direct link of the form for circulation

History: View all the audit history information of the selected form

Copy Name: Copy the form type information

Copy Location: Copy the Project, Form Type information

Actions: List actions that can be completed for single / multiple forms. A sub-menu for action names will appear e.g. For Information

1.6 Discussions

Introducing right-click options:

List includes:

New Reply: Launch the response view of the discussion thread with the existing recipients populated in the distribution list.

Start a Workflow: Start a workflow by selecting required forms of the project. The selected discussion thread shall be automatically associated to the form.

View: Launch the View mode of the selected discussion

Navigate to Folder: Navigate to the folder to view the file on which the discussion is created

Copy Name: Copy the Discussion title.

Copy Location: Copy the Project, Folder path information

Actions - For Mark As A Read: Mark selected discussions as Read.

Batch Action – Mark As a Read: Complete your incomplete Read actions by marking them as Read. Action can be performed on single or multiple selected records.

1.7 Models

Model history information can now be viewed from the Models area of the web application.

Click here for detailed help.

1.8 Reports

Design reports for Apps: Users can now design their own reports for Custom Apps in use.

Users can add the custom fields designed within the selected Object e.g. Contract form in the Contract Manager App where user can design their own report containing fields that are available in the form.

Drag Filter button over Dashboard: User can drag a filter button over Dashboard report and filter values for all selected Reports.

2 Adoddle Navigator

Adoddle Navigator is a user-friendly desktop application that allows you to upload 2D and 3D files and collaborate with your Project teams. You can synchronise your information locally while you work offline on the native applications before you sign-in to Adoddle and publish them as revisions.

Adoddle Navigator integrates directly with Autodesk Revit and facilities exchanging data from 3D BIM Collaborative environment such as COBie (Construction Operation Building Information Exchange). Connect all your project data to your models regardless of your BIM Authoring tool. With a centralised storage of all versions of your models in a collaborative online environment you can harness the power of Big Data and extensible toolkit for Collaborative BIM.

Files history information can now be viewed from the Adoddle Navigator application.

Models history information can now be viewed from the Adoddle Navigator application.

2D file viewing defaults all mark-ups: All mark-ups are now displayed as default when a file is viewed. Users can then switch to view individual mark-ups one at a time.

File Attributes and Actions: Users can view the file attributes as well as their actions while viewing the file online. Actions can now be completed while viewing the file information.

Enhanced User Interface displaying discussions in a thread view similar to the Web application.

3 Adoddle Collaborative Mobile (cMOB)

Adoddle cMOB is an interactive, simple, easy-to-use tool that enables project collaboration with your project teams while you are on the move. Sign in with your Adoddle account to review all your Project folders, files, forms, review and approve them online. Raise RFIs, Tender Queries, Defects / Punchlists or any of the hundreds of other project workflow forms available in the Adoddle App Library and issue them to team members directly from your mobile.

Support for Files: Adoddle cMOB has been extended to support files in addition to Apps. Users can now view their projects, folders and its sub-folders, files with meta-data and also view 2D files online.

Improved Dashboard interface: Users now login to a visual interface populating different Tabs similar to the Web application

2D file online viewing: Users can now view any 2D file online in their mobile device without having to install any plug-ins. The Adoddle 2D viewer supports above 250 file formats

Mark-ups: Users can create and save mark-ups on 2D files while on the move. The mark-ups are saved as a discussion and automatically issued to all members on the revisions.

4 Adoddle Classic

4.1 Administration

Cloning of Workflow Rules: The Adoddle Classic version is upgraded to include support of Workflow Rules during the cloning process. Inheritance is also supported.

Control who can create Private Comment: Administrators can control users who can create Private comments. A new project level privilege ‘Can create private comments’ has been introduced.

Custom Attribute Search extension: The Adoddle Classic view is extended to search and populate only the applied Custom Attributes to a file within a folder.

Support for multiple languages in the Portal functions of Login emails, Password Reset emails and Terms of Use page content

5 System Changes

Adoddle 17.2 - Release Notes has the following changes to configuration requirements and plug-ins:

1.1 Changes to PC Configuration Requirements (Footprint)


1.2 Changes to Applets / Plug-ins

IT Configuration Applet - None

Active-X Viewer (File Comparison) - Yes

Upload - Applet (Classic version) – Yes

Java Viewer (Classic version) - Yes

Adoddle Navigator – Yes

Adoddle Field – Yes


1. Updating the applets DOES NOT require Administration rights on local machine.

2. Clicking on “Always” option when prompted with a certificate will ensure that similar prompts do not happen for current as well as any other applet signed by Asite. If this option has already been activated, these updates will automatically install.

3. Adoddle Navigator installation / update requires administrator rights.

Related Articles: Product Release Change Log

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