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FAQs on 'Dashboard'
FAQs on 'Dashboard'

This article lists out frequently asked questions on topics related to 'Dashboard'.

Updated over a week ago

Related to Search Asite

Q1. Why is my existing file not listed in the search results?

A1. The search results will, by default, show a maximum of 5 file records at a time. Click on the 'More' link available at bottom of the results list to view more results if any. Also check whether the project selected in project filter is correct.

For more specific search on files, click here for detailed help on how to search files.

Q1. Why can't I see a project which was available earlier?

A1. This might happen in case your access to that project was removed or the project was renamed.

Q2. Why is my project filter getting changed automatically?

A2. Your project filter may change automatically / indirectly, in scenarios like:

1. Clicking an Asite link received in email notifications like daily summary which may require including projects that are outside of the project filter, to display relevant information.

2. Clicking an aMessage group notification or watch notifications related to a project that is not included in the project filter.

3. Changes in project filter made using proxy user access.

4. Changes in project filter made while working on Asite in another browser tab.

Related to My Account

Q1. Which special characters can I use while resetting a password?

A1. Following are the special characters you can use while resetting a password:

( _ , ! @ # $ % ^ & * - , = |

Q2. Why can't I edit the email address in my Asite account?

A2. We don't allow changing the email address of your Asite account, as it serves as a unique reference for us to identify you as a user.

However, if you still need to change make such a change, send us an email and we will get back soon with available options.

Q3. How do I manage my organization details?

A3. To make changes to your organization details, send us an email with required details and our team will get back to you soon.

Q4. How can I get access to 'Classic View'?

A4. To get access to 'Classic View', contact your Asite Professional Services Consultant / drop an email to Asite Support.

Q5. How do I switch from 'Adoddle View' to 'Classic View' and vice versa?

A5. Once logged in on Adoddle View, click on your profile picture at top right and select 'Classic View' to switch to Classic View.

To switch back to Adoddle View, go to 'My Home' i.e. the default landing page in Classic View. In the 'Settings' menu at the top, select 'Adoddle View' to switch back to Adoddle View.

Related to Switch User

Q1. Why can't I access admin functionalities on a project when switching to a proxy user?

A1. Due to security reasons and to prevent misuse of the platform, admin functionalities will remain inaccessible when switching to a proxy user. Accordingly, certain tabs like 'Projects', 'aMessages', 'Tasks', 'Admin', 'Reports' will also remain inaccessible when switching to a proxy user.

Q2. I’ve proxied on behalf of a user but when I go to Switch Users, their name isn’t showing?

A2. You need to check that required project is selected in the project filter where proxy access was assigned. If it still doesn't appear, check whether you are trying to get access outside of the start and end date defined while assigning proxy access.

Q3. User A is assigned proxy to User B on Project 1. User B is assigned proxy to User C on Project 2. Can User A view Project 2?

A3. User A will be able to view Project 2 only if he/she is specifically given user access on Project 2, irrespective of whether User B is assigned proxy to User C or not.

Q4. Why is my dashboard changed?

A4. Your dashboard may change indirectly, due to changes in dashboard made using proxy user access.

Q1. What happens if I give 'Admin' permission on my dashboard to another user?

A1. This means that the other user will have full access to manage the dashboard you are creating, including the ability to share it with other users.

Q2. How can I share a dashboard with a distribution group?

A2. You need to create a distribution group by selecting 'Dashboards' as group type. Click here for detailed help.

Q3. What is a 'System Dashboard'?

A3. 'System Dashboard' is a default dashboard available to view (non-editable) for everyone having a registered account on Asite. It contains a fixed set of gadgets which may include 'Files - Incomplete Tasks', 'New Files Published', 'Recent Apps', 'Apps - Incomplete Tasks', 'Favourite Folders', 'Favourite Apps', 'Model Summary' and 'Favourite Models'.

Q1. What is a 'System Dashboard'?

A1. 'System Dashboard' is a default dashboard available to view (non-editable) for everyone having a registered account on Asite. It contains a fixed set of gadgets which may include 'Files - Incomplete Tasks', 'New Files Published', 'Recent Apps', 'Apps - Incomplete Tasks', 'Favourite Folders', 'Favourite Apps', 'Model Summary' and 'Favourite Models'.

Q1. Can I restore a dashboard that I deleted?

A1. No, you cannot restore a dashboard once deleted.

Q2. What is a 'System Dashboard'?

A2. 'System Dashboard' is a default dashboard available to view (non-editable) for everyone having a registered account on Asite. It contains a fixed set of gadgets which may include 'Files - Incomplete Tasks', 'New Files Published', 'Recent Apps', 'Apps - Incomplete Tasks', 'Favourite Folders', 'Favourite Apps', 'Model Summary' and 'Favourite Models'.

Q1. What is an aMessage / 'No Comment'?

A1. aMessages are comments specifically typed in and created by users on files, while 'No Comment' is a separate option available for users when there is no specific comment required to be entered on files.

Q1. How do I unsubscribe from all email notifications coming from Asite?

A2. Though there is no specific option to unsubscribe from all Asite emails, you always have an option to configure email preferences for your Asite account where you can define where you need daily summary emails / task notification emails / aMessage notification emails / file checkout notification emails as applicable.

Q1. How do I mark a folder as my favorite folder?

A1. From the 'Files' tab, right click on the project folder that you want to mark

as favorite and select 'Mark as Favourite'. Accordingly, in order to unmark a folder

as favorite, you can right click on the same folder again and select 'Remove as Favourite' when required.

Related to Favourite Apps

Q1. How do I mark a form type as my favorite form type?

A1. From the 'Project Forms' tab, right click on the form type that you want to mark

as favorite and select 'Mark as Favourite'. Accordingly, in order to unmark a form type

as favorite, you can right click on the same form type again and select 'Remove as Favourite' when required.

Q1. Why can't I see all my form types when viewing the 'Apps - Incomplete Tasks' gadget?

A1. The 'Apps - Incomplete Tasks' gadget displays available form types based on the width set for the gadget as well as completion due date of tasks.

To view this gadget with all form types, you just need to maximize the gadget view by clicking on icon available at top right to maximize the gadget size.

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