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Asite 18.0
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Adoddle 18 New Features and Key Enhancements


Adoddle Field - support for Android tablets: Asite introduces Adoddle Field for the Android Tablet users. It is free and available in the Google Play store for download. Users can now upload new files, collaborate on Files, Models and Apps. Files and Apps are supported in offline mode too.


Organizational control of layouts: Adoddle 18 introduces the ability for Organization Administrators to control the layout of the Projects and listing areas across all tabs. Organization Administrators having the relevant privileges only can manage this via the Admin function. Administrators can configure columns to be listed, default filter fields and settings with respect to view and pagination. Administrators also have an option to restrict further editing by their Organization or Supply Chain users.


Contacts: Adoddle 18 is now extended to enable users view their project and organization users with their thumbnail images and user profile information. The system respects and restricts access to only authorized users. The Contacts card is now displayed while clicking on the user name across the listing areas.


Simplified Invitation to project: Adoddle 18 introduces the ability to invite users to their projects. Recipients will receive an invitation for acceptance. A new verification link email is issued to the recipients who can set password during the registration process.


Hierarchical Attributes support in Adoddle Navigator:Adoddle Navigator extends use of multilevel hierarchical file level fields during the upload process.


Print Forms with all Attachments and Associated Files:Adoddle 18 users can export the message including the contents of the associated files / forms / external attachments to a PDF format. Users have the option to print current message or all messages including the associations / attachment contents to PDF output.


Out-of-box report templates: Adoddle 18 users now have access to a suite of report templates that users can copy and run. The report templates are available across various sections of the platform, including users, files, forms, contacts.


Support Import from Excel via Edit ORI: Adoddle 18 and Adoddle Classic users can now use the import from excel function during the edit message step too.


Filter Options for Custom Attributes: Adoddle 18 users can now filter the custom attributes which are positive numeric in nature using filter criteria’s or range and exact numbers.


Parity with Adoddle Classic:

The Adoddle 18 platform is continuously being enhanced to have parity with all key functions available in Adoddle Classic. Adoddle 18 introduces the following parity functions:

  • User Preferences: Adoddle 18 users can now manage their preferences for download and email notifications.

  • Manage Distribution Groups: Administrators using Adoddle 18 now have the ability to setup distribution groups and recipients with ease. Additional flexibility to search for recipients, Access Control Lists as well as bulk apply of recipients, Access Control Lists is supported thereby enhancing the use by Administrators.

  • Manage Purpose of Issues: Administrators using Adoddle 18 can now easily setup purpose of issue values and apply Access Control lists on one / multiple records.

  • Manage Apps on Projects: Administrators can now add template based Apps to their project and edit the App settings within the Project Administration area.

  • Manage Project Mailbox: Administrators can now create / edit and manage the File and Form project mailboxes from within the Projects area.

  • Introducing additional file actions: Adoddle 18 users can now assign and complete file actions of ‘For Acknowledgement’, ‘For Comment Co-ordination’ and ‘For Comment In-corporation’ from within Adoddle 18 interface. This is in compliance with the Adoddle Classic functions.

  • View file Status history: Adoddle 18 users can now view status history of files while changing the status online. Additionally, the mouse-hover on the status column in the listing page displays the information of the last status update.

  • Deactivate & Activate File Actions:Administrators can now deactivate and re-activate Files actions assigned to users from within the Adoddle 18 interface.

  • Export to Excel from all listings: Adoddle 18 users can export the listings into excel from Projects, Files, Discussions and many more App listings.

  • Cloning of Project from Templates:Adoddle 18 users can clone Projects from project templates.

1. Adoddle 18 Web Application

Adoddle 18 provides a unique and comprehensive set of capabilities in a single, unified environment in order to manage your Drawings, Project Schedules, BIM Models, Reports and Apps and share information across teams spread over different geographies.

Adoddle allows teams access and re-use data throughout the lifecycle of an asset. Its powerful and easy to use interface allows you to track and capture data throughout the stages of Feasibility, Detailed Design, Construction Design, Construction and Facilities Management.

1.1 Dashboard

Organizational Control on Layouts: Adoddle 18 Org Administrators can enforce users within their org or who are billed to their org to see only a specific layout of fields across tabs. There is a facility where in end users can edit this layout selection or not. This feature is accessible from the Admin tab. Click here for more help.

Projects filter – Ability to clear / close the filter: Adoddle 18 users can now see all the projects in projects filter by clicking Show All, clear selected projects by clicking Clear & close project drop down list by clicking on Close.

User Preferences: Users can now switch over and set their preferences for download and Email Notifications. A new option ‘Preferences’ is available within the user settings area. Click here for more help

Contacts Tab: Adoddle 18 users can now view contacts list of users within their organization and projects. Clicking on individual record to view their contacts card. The same card is also visible by clicking on the user name anywhere in Adoddle 18. Click here for more help.

Additional Gadget in Dashboard: Adoddle 18 users can now configure an additional gadget to view a list of recent forms created. This gadget provides an ability to create a new form of the same form type based on user permission.

1.2 Projects

Cloning of Project Templates: Adoddle 18 now enables Administrators clone projects from the Project Templates with ease. A new LH option ‘Templates’ is introduced listing the project templates. Click here for more help.

Invite Users to Projects: Adoddle 18 project administrators can now invite users to their projects with ease.

Projects Filter now applies to Projects Tab: Projects selected as favorites in Project filter on top right are also filtered out when Adoddle 18 users navigate to the Projects tab.

Mark as Favourite for multiple projects: Adoddle 18 Project Administrators can now mark a set of projects as favourite or remove them from the favourites list.

Set Own Password for new / Forgot Password Email Link: Newly registered users / Forgot Password emails will now include the ability to set own password. Clicking the button will invoke the page to specify password and proceed with login. This is available for Adoddle Classic users too.

1.3 Admin

Manage Distribution Groups: Adoddle 18 Administrators can setup and, manage & delete project distribution groups for documents and forms. Click here for more help.

Manage App Settings: Adoddle 18 Administrators can now amend the settings for any form in a project via the Manage App Settings option, which is accessible from Project settings. Click here for more help.

Manage Purpose of Issue: Adoddle 18 Administrators can add, manage Purpose of Issue for a particular project via the project settings in the project tabs. Click here for more help.

Assign Apps to Projects: Adoddle 18 Administrators can now search for their required App templates and assign them to their projects with ease.

Manage Project Mailbox: Adoddle 18 Administrators can now manage their Files and Forms project mailboxes from the Projects section. Click here for more help.

1.4 Files

Simple Upload setting at Folder Level: Adoddle 18 users can now choose Simple Upload at a folder level to further simplify the uploading. This enables Administrators to enable users populate the meta-data section while uploading files though they are not mandatory. Click here for more help.

Lock Files for Editing: Adoddle 18 users / Project Administrators can now lock a specific revision for editing This includes the primary and secondary file. The file cannot be downloaded by any other user till the file is checked-in or Administrator has undone the check-out. Click here for more help.

File Action - For Acknowledgement: Adoddle 18 users / Project Administrators can now assign file action For Acknowledgement while uploading or distributing files to other users for seeking their acknowledgement. The action can be completed within Adoddle 18 by recipients.

File Action - For Comment Co-ordination: Adoddle 18 users can now assign File action for Comment Co-ordination to fellow users, which allows any user who is a party to a private comment can make that comment public if s/he has received this action.

Copy File Name in Document Title: Adoddle 18 users can now copy the file name as document reference while uploading any files. Click here for more help.

Discussions Tab in Viewer: Adoddle 18 users can directly view discussions while viewing the file in Viewer by clicking on the Discussions tab on the left hand side panel.

Instant Email Notification option: Adoddle 18 users while sharing files with fellow users can check and uncheck the Instant Email notification option which controls whether the recipient user will receive an email notification for this or not. Click here for more help.

Move Folder Functionality: Adoddle 18 users having Admin privilege on a folder can move a folder including its files. If certain users having pending file actions on folder being moved don’t have access rights on the destination folder, their actions will be cleared while moving. Click here for more help.

Display Doc. Ref. in place of filename for associated placeholders: Adoddle 18 users can now view the Doc. Ref. for the associated placeholders while creating forms / comments.

Export to Excel with current fields or all fields: Adoddle 18 users can now export to Excel listing records in Files, Discussions, Reports, Projects and Forms in respective tabs. Need to navigate to project, folder levels to make this feature available or else only Export with Current Fields is available. Click here for more help.

View File Status History: Adoddle 18 users can now view file status history while changing the status of a file. Users can also view the last updated status information as a mouse-hover on the status column populated in the listing areas.

File Size added as Attribute: Adoddle 18 users can now view file size, the same is auto captured as an Attribute while uploading any file.

File Action - For Comment In-Corporation: Adoddle 18 users / Project Administrators can now assign file action For Comment In-Corp to other users. It allows the recipient to acknowledge the place holder and select own action time.

View Superseded Revisions in Viewer: Adoddle 18 users can now switch to and view superseded revisions of any file from the file view itself. Rev drop down shows all previous revisions.

Filter file records by date range: Adoddle 18 users can now filter files records using dates, date ranges and also various combinations of date, date ranges and time stamp.

Deactivate & Reactivate File Actions: Adoddle 18 users can now deactivate and reactivate file actions assigned to other users, a privilege each is required to perform deactivate and reactivate file actions.

Copy Previous Distribution: Adoddle 18 users can now copy the distribution list of previous revision while uploading a new revision of any file by single button click. Click here for more help.

Filter Option for Custom Attributes: Adoddle 18 users can now filter the custom attributes which are positive numeric in nature using filter criteria’s or range and exact numbers.

Recipient Org added in Filter Criteria: Adoddle 18 users can filter the file records by using Recipient Organization. This is in addition to the Publisher organization which is already present. For e.g. tracking incomplete actions by company is easier.

1.4 Apps

Print all attachments and associations while printing form: Adoddle 18 users can now also print all the associations and attachments while printing any particular form using the Print All option which is accessed by doing a right click on the form record.

Import from Excel during Edit ORI: Users now have the ability to merge / overwrite content of the App by importing information via Excel format during the Edit ORI step. This is supported in Adoddle Classic too. Click here for more help.

Edit and Forward of Forms: Adoddle 18 users can now edit and forward the form message from the form viewer screen from the action drop down. Edit and Forward should be enabled from the form settings.

1.5 Models

IFC Export functionality: Adoddle 18 users can now export IFC from any existing model. Multiple objects from multiple model files of multiple disciplines are exported as a single collaborative file. Click here for more help.

Update view button changed to Rename: Adoddle 18 users can only rename any view from views manager and cannot update the view or modify it as well. The Update button functionality is changed to Rename only. Same applies to Adoddle Navigator as well.

Standardized Model Behavior: Adoddle 18 users can now upload any 3D model file from Files tab and it will be viewable as a single model in the models tab. Model files uploaded from models tab can now be viewed as a Federated Model (includes multiple model files).

Folder level access rights applicable to Work sets: Adoddle 18 folder access rights are now applicable to model file work sets as well. Users not having rights to the folder containing the work set will not able to expand the work set tree in model viewer.

1.6 Reports

Support viewing / generating template based reports within Adoddle 17: Adoddle 18 users can now schedule reports which are created in Adoddle and legacy reports as well from Scheduling tab in the left hand menu button by clicking on Create Schedule.

Out-of-the-box Reports: Adoddle 18 users can now leverage by exporting information from the Adoddle Platform from a comprehensive list of pre-defined reports available in the Adoddle Reporting area. Click here to access list of reports.

1.7 Procurement

Access Supplier Catalogues from Directory Tab: Adoddle 18 users can now access the supplier catalogue information from the Directory tab too.

Display all the catalogues consistently on Procurement catalogue: Adoddle 18 Catalogue managers can now view the new setup to upload catalogue.

1.8 Adoddle Classic

Import from Excel during Edit ORI: Users now have the ability to merge / overwrite content of the App by importing information via Excel format during the Edit ORI step.

Set Own Password for new / Forgot Password Email Link: Newly registered users / Forgot Password emails will now include the ability to set own password. Clicking the button will invoke the page to specify password and proceed with login.

2. Adoddle Field

Adoddle Field is a simple, easy-to-use tool that enables project collaboration with contacts and project teams on the move or anywhere on a job site. Sign in with your Adoddle account to publish and share drawings, photos, and files of any type, and always have access to the very latest set of project information no matter where your work takes you. Mark-up documents and drawings and issue actions to team members, allowing you to stay on top of time-critical review processes. View and mark-up Building Information Models (BIM) in 3D, including the ability to drill down into the components of the model and review discipline-specific elements.

Adoddle Field enables you to view and review multiple model files from disparate BIM Authoring toolsets merged into one unified model in Adoddle cBIM in the cloud. Raise RFIs, Defects / Punch lists, or any of the hundreds of other project workflow forms available in the Adoddle App Library and issue them to team members directly from your iPad with direct and automatic links to the relevant parts of any file or model. The Adoddle platform maintains a full and complete audit trail of all communications as a project progresses.

2.1 Adoddle Field Now on Android Tablets

Adoddle Field for Android Tablets: Android tablet users can now find Adoddle Field in Google Play store for free download. This introduces the ability to manage Files and Apps including support for online as well as offline management of files and Apps along with Models.

Offline Forms and Files: Adoddle Fields – Android version introduces facility to work offline for files in addition to forms. The information is automatically synchronized when user is connected to an internet connection. Users can also view the App information in offline mode thereby enhancing the use for users who work at remote sites.

3. Adoddle Navigator

Adoddle Navigator is a user-friendly desktop application that allows you to upload 2D and 3D files and collaborate with your Project teams. You can synchronize your information locally while you work offline on the native applications before you sign-in to Adoddle and publish them as revisions.

Adoddle Navigator integrates directly with Autodesk Revit and facilities exchanging data from 3D BIM Collaborative environment such as COBie (Construction Operation Building Information Exchange). Connect all your project data to your models regardless of your BIM Authoring tool. With a centralized storage of all versions of your models in a collaborative online environment you can harness the power of Big Data and extensible toolkit for Collaborative BIM.

3.1 Adoddle Field Now on Android Tablets

Support for Hierarchical Attributes: Adoddle 18 users can now benefit use the hierarchical attributes functionality while uploading files from the Adoddle Navigator tool as well.

Standardized Model Behavior: Adoddle 18 users can now upload any 3D model file from Files tab and it will be viewable as a single model in the models tab. Model files uploaded from models tab can now be viewed as a Federated Model (includes multiple model files).

Folder level access rights applicable to Work sets: Adoddle 18 folder access rights are now applicable to model file work sets as well. Users not having rights to the folder containing the work set will not able to expand the work set tree in model viewer.

IFC Export functionality: Adoddle 18 users can now export IFC from any existing model. Multiple objects from multiple model files of multiple disciplines are exported as a single collaborative file.

Update view button changed to Rename: Adoddle 18 users can only rename any view from views manager and cannot update the view or modify it as well. The Update button functionality is changed to Rename only. Same applies to Adoddle Navigator as well.

4 System Changes

Adoddle 17.3 - Release Notes has the following changes to configuration requirements and plug-ins:

4.1 Changes to PC Configuration Requirements (Footprint)


4.2 Changes to Applets / Plug-ins

IT Configuration Applet - None

Upload - Applet (Classic version) – Yes

Java Viewer (Classic version) - Yes

Active-X Viewer (File Comparison) - None

Adoddle Navigator – Yes (Introducing Apps and support for Offline forms)

Adoddle Field – Yes (Introducing support for Offline forms)


1. Updating the applets DOES NOT require Administration rights on local machine.

2. Clicking on “Always” option when prompted with a certificate will ensure that similar prompts do not happen for current as well as any other applet signed by Asite. If this option has already been activated, these updates will automatically install.

3. Adoddle Navigator installation / update requires administrator rights.

Related Articles: Product Release Change Log

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