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New Features / Enhancements - 2022
Updated this week

16th December 2022

File Viewer

  • Support to include current date and time while inserting markup stamp
    Project users can now stamp documents during the review and approval process and add the date and time information. This improves the information's auditability in CDE.
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9th December 2022

Sites Module

  • Improved Attachments view with geo-tag information for Sites
    Developers and contractors constructing dwellings can now generate evidence with geolocation information including altitude, data and time stamp of each image, of the quality of the construction with reference to energy performance. This ensures compliance with the updated guidance in Approved Document L of The Building Regulations 2010. This feature is now available for all form types enabled for 'Sites' module, based on project configuration.
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AppBuilder Tool

  • Ability to adjust column width in 'Repeating Table' and 'Layout' controls
    Users are able to adjust column width when using a 'Repeating Table' or 'Layout' control in the form design. This helps in making the form design intuitive and responsive to mobile devices having different screen size.
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2nd December 2022


  • Simplification
    Previously 3D model files (Revit and IFC formats) were merged to Asite Model Server for collaboration mandatorily. This was a time-consuming process. With the newly introduced model management approach we focused on simplicity and flexibility. This involved firstly removing dependency on work-sets mapped to folders and secondly mandatory merging on upload of IFC files. Alongside federating IFC files, user can now select any of the 50+ 3D file formats supported by our viewer, including Revit, to federate them together using intuitive right-click functionality. The same 3D file can now be federated as part of multiple models, with the option to view it as part of any federated model or individually. Readily add and remove 3D files from a federated model either from the CDE or directly in the model viewer.
    Read More on Creating a Federated Model
    Read More on Model Options

  • Option to merge IFC models
    Users can now merge federated IFC model files as a single IFC, which can then be exported in COBie or IFC formats as needed.
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  • Attachments on Federated Models
    Users can attach external files to their models on Asite. These attachments can be viewed or downloaded anytime later, while the model is open in viewer.
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  • Building on existing support for BCF workflows, we’ve introduced a new dynamic dashboard widget summarising the number of issues outstanding across your projects.
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AppBuilder Tool

  • Attachment control now supports displaying editable captions on the thumbnail image of attachment file. These captions can be edited anytime before the form is submitted.
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18th November 2022

  • Asite Marketplace - Ability to export trading partners listing in MS Excel
    Users can now generate MS Excel (.XLS file format) export for trading partners listing on Asite Marketplace.

4th November 2022

Common Data Environment (CDE) & Project Controls

  • Project admins previously had to manually copy document templates to individual projects or link them from a master project. With our new Document Template functionality, project admins can build a central library of templates and keep it updated with the latest revisions. Project teams can always choose the most recent version of a document template and use aSync to create a new file in the relevant project folder. Our new document template functionality guarantees a single source of truth and ensures consistency in working methods.
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  • Design consultants and project teams usually transmit many private documents, which required a tedious and time-consuming process of manually assigning visibility on individual documents. We’ve introduced our new assign visibility on private files Workflow System Task, which makes it possible to assign visibility of private files to individuals and groups automatically. Users can now increase productivity and save time.
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  • Project users had to individually export form content to a PDF for offline storage. Now with the new Export Form Information in Bulk function, it’s only a few clicks to easily select multiple forms and generate a single PDF or a zip file with separate PDFs for each. This saves project teams a lot of time and tedium.
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  • The Collaboration view of the Asite Platform web interface now has a new Sustainability tab where sustainability apps can be set up and viewed. As a result, project users can now locate and search for sustainability-related records quickly and effectively.

  • Users having their projects configured with Universal Web Viewer will be able to Print Secondary Files directly while viewing the secondary file in File Viewer.

AppBuilder Tool

  • Previously, App Designers weren’t able to map dropdown options to the hierarchical attributes established in the master. Mapping the dropdown in each form was time-consuming and prone to error. Our latest release allows designers to create dropdowns that respect hierarchical attributes from the defined master data. As a result, the project portfolio's hierarchy and attribute mapping are always consistent, and designers can build and deploy digital forms more quickly.
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14th October 2022

  • Historic Markups on Files (Update)
    Consolidated Historic Markup record, applicable for projects where file viewer was changed from Thin Client Viewer to Universal Web Viewer, is now updated to include only the public markups available on file. In addition to that while viewing a file , if there is any historic markups available for the file, user be displayed a message to quickly navigate to the old markups by clicking on the corresponding link.
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7th October 2022

​Asite AppBuilder (Upgrade)

  • New custom functions added for 'Repeating Table' control

    New custom functions ('Reset Repeating Table', 'Get Repeating Table Value', 'Set Repeating Table Functionality') in the scripting block enables users to :

    • Define scripts for displaying multiple responses in single form view (when using 'Repeating Table' control).

    • Define scripts for automatically inserting new rows, deleting existing rows, show rows / hide rows as applicable.

    • Define scripts to apply conditional formatting at row level based on the value of form field.

    • Define scripts that allow copying data from one repeating table to another

    • Get a better visibility on the information submitted via form.
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16th September 2022

  • Copy Workflow Definition to Other Projects or Project Templates

    A separate option is available for copying workflow definition to any of the other projects or project templates accessible to the user.

    This is in addition to the existing feature of copying a workflow definition within the same project or project template.
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9th September 2022

  • Support for API data connections in AppBuilder
    Introducing API data connections in Asite AppBuilder to pull information from other Asite Forms / External APIs.

    This will enable project teams to produce more interactive and engaging forms and apps. Build logic and easily setup connection between 2 form types by mapping the fields. It supports pulling data via external APIs if connection is setup with external systems. Connection can be defined on individual form fields or on a particular form view as whole.
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26th August 2022

  • CDE: Improved visibility of associated files
    Project users will now receive an alert displaying the number of associated files to which they do not have access to. In order to gain access to and visibility of the additional associated files in the list, users can then get in touch with their project administrators.
    For information about records associated with comments, click here.
    For information about records associated with forms, click here.

5th August 2022

  • Custom & Configurable Project Attributes made simpler!
    Project Admins can now easily configure all of their custom attributes from the Asite Data Platform WebApp itself without the need to switch to 'Classic view'.
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29th July 2022

  • Asite AppBuilder (Upgrade)
    A new custom function called 'Get Min/Max Date' is introduced in the graphical scripting interface which enables you to calculate minimum and maximum date values based on user input by applying scripting logic.
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15th July, 2022

  • Ability to Import Sites and Locations
    With our new import option for sites & locations, you are able to prepare a list

    of your site and locations in an excel template and import all that information directly into your project.
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8th July, 2022

  • Save time by deactivating forms from 'Adoddle' view
    As Project Administrator, you can now deactivate forms from the 'Adoddle' view itself without the need to switch to 'Classic' view.
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  • Export Files/Forms listing in XLSX format
    Export from Files/Forms listing areas will be supported in XLSX format now onwards (instead of XLS) - a more secure way to export information.
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1st July, 2022

  • Improved Model Viewer Performance
    We have optimized model viewer to get faster rendering irrespective of model size.
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27th May, 2022

  • Ability to Export Quality Plan
    You will be able to export any existing quality plan directly while viewing it. This is supported in Asite Web app as well as in Adoddle Field app.
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  • Ability to Edit Profile within Adoddle Field
    You will be able to edit your profile directly within Adoddle Field app, including the ability to change your language preference if required.
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13th May, 2022

  • Support for Uploading Folders
    Uploading of files becomes even more convenient with support for uploading folders directly to Asite. This includes all folder contents i.e. all files and sub-folders that are part of the folder selected for upload.
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6th May, 2022

  • View File Content in Archived File formats
    You can now view content of files that are uploaded as an archived file (i.e. in .zip file format or .rar file format) on projects having Universal Web Viewer configured as file viewer.
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  • Support for 'Distribute' User Task in Workflow for Apps
    You can now configure 'Distribute' task that can be assigned to project users while designing a workflow under task context 'Apps' using Asite Visual Workflow Designer.
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1st April, 2022

  • Updates to aSync(Beta) App
    While viewing a form having files associated to it, you will have an option to edit

    the associated files using aSync app.
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25th March, 2022

  • Quality Plan Improvements
    The Quality Plan Module has now been improved to allow Quality Managers to alter the setting of the quality plan in the WebApp. As part of the configuration, you can edit the activity title, adjust the order/sequence, and related folder/form for any activity.
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  • Updates to aSync(Beta) App
    You will be notified by aSync if the file you have locally edited via aSync has a

    newer version of the same file available on Asite web application.
    You will be able to view list of all files recently uploaded via aSync as a separate

    tab within the aSync app window.
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25th February, 2022

  • Security Enhancement
    You will now be logged out of the Field App and prompted to login again if your password is reset.

  • Improving the deactivation of files
    Regardless of whether or not you are folder admins, now only users with the 'Can Deactivate Documents' role privilege can deactivate a Doc. Ref. or specific revision.
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18th February, 2022

  • Playing of audio files
    You now have access to a plug-in-free audio player that can play a variety of audio file formats.
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11th February, 2022

  • Full Language Support
    The Adoddle Field has been upgraded to include complete language support, including in the Sites and CDE sections. Your profile settings are respected by the App. Update your profile to see information in the language of your choice.
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  • Track Geo-Location Information for files
    Geo-Location information is now captured for files uploaded to CDE folders or auto-published via form attachments. This feature is also available within the Adoddle Field app. Project Administrators can now easily configure their projects to enable capture geo-location information.
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28th January, 2022

  • Security enhancement:
    The security of the Adoddle Field App has been enhanced to support the Enterprise password policy for 2-Factor Authentication (2FA). To access the Field App, users must now enter the secret code that was emailed to their registered email address. This only applies if the policy has been enabled in your organisation. Please contact your Administrator or the Asite Helpdesk to enable this setting.

    How does it work?
    * The user inputs their login credentials to access the Field App.
    * After successful authentication, the user receives an email with a secret code to their registered email address.
    * The user inputs the secret code in the Field App * Congratulations, you have successfully logged into the Field App and have access to the data.
    Note: 2FA must be enabled in the password policy as a pre-requisite.

21st January, 2022

  • App Settings Update
    Existing app settings for editing and forwarding of form messages are made more specific so that only form originator and/or form recipients are able to use this option. As part of this change, the concerned app settings under 'Edit and Forward' group is renamed in order to refer to the originator as 'Form Originator' and recipients as 'Form Recipients'.
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7th January, 2022

  • Security Enhancements
    Asite's Enterprise password policy has been enhanced to provide improved control over user access to the Adoddle Field App on devices. This policy is configurable, allowing organisations to ensure that only active users have access to the data in the applications on their devices. Please contact our Customer Success or Customer Support teams if you require this feature enabled.

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